Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Diving into the unknown

Over the break I've been reading a book called "Letters from a skeptic" which is a book of letters where the father and son "debate" Christianity. It's been an interesting journey to read these letters and it's brought me to a conclusion, As Christians we have two choices when faced with questions we don't understand - 

We can run from them,  or we can dive into them, head first.

God loved us enough to send His son who died on a cross and saved us from our sins.
I don't want to label this simple, but in a way that's what we, as Christians, see it as. We don't think much into it, it's the foundation of our faith; black and white.

But the deeper you dive into a relationship with the Creator, the deeper you dive into questions of this world, there are not simple answers, it's not always black and white and I believe that's how God intended it to be. 

Accepting the first simple statement about Gods love for you, you must also accept that there are going to be questions that knock you on our butt. That leave you confused, that leave you uncomfortable. AND THAT'S OKAY! 

I think one of the biggest issues people run into is, they dig until they get uncomfortable. The moment they can no longer tie a little bow around it, they jump back.

I have to admit, a lot of things Letters from a skeptic have brought up makes me extremely uncomfortable. I want to close my book, take my bible and run to psalms and put Jesus back in my nice, neat little box

 "Jesus loves me this I know"


We have to face the facts that no one knows everything about God, and the moment you think you do, He's going to show you how very wrong you are. 

But how cool is it that we are all on different adventures with the creator? He is revealing new things to each of us if we will accept his offer of the journey He wants to take us on.

 We are going to come to questions that make us confused, Jesus is going to come out of the little box we have put him in but instead of fleeing from that and trying to force Him back in it, take it as an adventure, literally jump into unknown and let Him rock your world. 

The deeper you dive into your walk with God you come to see that it's not about a list of rules, it's not a black and white "to do list" but it's something so much better than that. He takes us on a journey WITH Him, that's how much He loves us. He wants to reveal His beauty to us in the sweetest way. So the next time you don't understand, or you come across a hard concept, take it as a compliment, that Jesus wants to walk you through it, and show you His love within it.

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