Monday, January 27, 2014

He is constant

We are promised numerous amounts of times in the bible that God will never leave us, nor forsake us.
But do we really grasp that? 
Never. He will NEVER leave you.

Recently I have come to the harsh reality that too often I make God too much like the people around me. I will say things like "oh I just don't feel God in this right now" or "Is he even here?"

Looking back on those instances I seriously laugh at myself.....really Sara?
Do you not see that you have a loving, constant, faithful God who is pursing you daily? 

God isn't a father that walked out on you.
He's not a husband that has turned his back.
He's not a friend that became a backstabber.

Whatever your situation is, that has left you feeling abandoned, don't let that ruin your view of who God truly is. Your circumstances don't change God.

 It's while you are in the midst of those circumstances that you need to allow God to change your view of them.
Now understand-- I'm not saying that he will change your circumstances because a lot of times He won't. But we have to see that our view of what is happening is half the battle. 

In my personal situation I have come to the realization that it was nothing that I did, nothing I could have prevented. Just because someone walks out of your life, or leaves you beaten down, it doesn't mean that you are unworthy of love, and we have GOT to stop giving God the same characteristics as these people that have hurt us.

He is our healer. 
It is only by Him that we will be able to finally pick up the pieces and walk on.
It is only by Him that we will find forgiveness- realizing that forgiving someone is usually more so for us than for them.

If you believe in the healer, then why are you still holding onto the hurt?

We weren't meant to. 
Lay your burdens down at His feet, whether it's joyfully tossing them or painfully still grasping on as you weep, release them to Him.

My challenge for you, if you are dealing with a hard situation, or if you are feeling abandoned,

Run to Jesus.  Full force, sprint into His arms because He's waiting.

He will never leave nor forsake you.
Cling to that sweet promise and know that He is the only constant you will ever need.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Staying with the light

Lately, The Lord has really been convicting me of something:

My trust in Him is limited. 

That hurts to write, and even more so to really admit, but I feel like I need to get this out on the table because I'm probably not the only one struggling with it.

My whole life I've been told to trust in the Lord,  but it wasn't until recently that I really figured out what true trusts means. It's easy to trust the Lord when you can see whats up ahead, and for me, for the most part I've always been able to see, or at least i've had some sort of idea.

As I look at my future right now I can honestly say I don't know whats up ahead.
But what i'm learning is that's okay!

It's okay to not have a set plan, it's okay to be unsure in what the future holds but whats not okay is loosing trust in The Lord because all of a sudden the tunnel goes dark and you can't see what's in front of your foot.

Look at it like this,

You're in a tunnel of complete darkness, you have no idea whats up ahead, you don't even want to put your foot out because you can't tell where it will lead you. If you try and walk that path alone, you will either stand still out of fear or end up running yourself into a wall. But luckily for us, we have Jesus.

"Your word is the lamb to my feet and a light to my path" Psalm 119:105

We weren't meant to be able to see the full tunnel, we were meant to follow His light, one step at a time.
When we rush ahead, or even stay behind, panic and fear will crawl in, we won't know what to do, but when we stay with the light, the answers will unfold along the way. Trusting that His plan is good, digging into His word and reading of His promises, we will gain wisdom. With that wisdom we will find the true beauty of surrendering everything to Him.

Our purpose in this life is not to have the next 5, 10, 15 years figured out, we aren't promised those years, and when we focus to much on planning them out, we miss the right now. Jesus has new and exciting things to reveal to us everyday, we just have to be present.
We are called to be a disciple for Him RIGHT NOW, not just 5 years down the road when you have your life "figured out", because lets face it, getting the perfect job, getting married, none of those things will leave you satisfied or make you feel as if you've "figured life out" 

So instead of worrying about what the next five years might look like I am walking day by day through the tunnel with the light that will never go dark. I don't need all the answers to trust Him because I have Him, and that's all the answer I will ever need.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Diving into the unknown

Over the break I've been reading a book called "Letters from a skeptic" which is a book of letters where the father and son "debate" Christianity. It's been an interesting journey to read these letters and it's brought me to a conclusion, As Christians we have two choices when faced with questions we don't understand - 

We can run from them,  or we can dive into them, head first.

God loved us enough to send His son who died on a cross and saved us from our sins.
I don't want to label this simple, but in a way that's what we, as Christians, see it as. We don't think much into it, it's the foundation of our faith; black and white.

But the deeper you dive into a relationship with the Creator, the deeper you dive into questions of this world, there are not simple answers, it's not always black and white and I believe that's how God intended it to be. 

Accepting the first simple statement about Gods love for you, you must also accept that there are going to be questions that knock you on our butt. That leave you confused, that leave you uncomfortable. AND THAT'S OKAY! 

I think one of the biggest issues people run into is, they dig until they get uncomfortable. The moment they can no longer tie a little bow around it, they jump back.

I have to admit, a lot of things Letters from a skeptic have brought up makes me extremely uncomfortable. I want to close my book, take my bible and run to psalms and put Jesus back in my nice, neat little box

 "Jesus loves me this I know"


We have to face the facts that no one knows everything about God, and the moment you think you do, He's going to show you how very wrong you are. 

But how cool is it that we are all on different adventures with the creator? He is revealing new things to each of us if we will accept his offer of the journey He wants to take us on.

 We are going to come to questions that make us confused, Jesus is going to come out of the little box we have put him in but instead of fleeing from that and trying to force Him back in it, take it as an adventure, literally jump into unknown and let Him rock your world. 

The deeper you dive into your walk with God you come to see that it's not about a list of rules, it's not a black and white "to do list" but it's something so much better than that. He takes us on a journey WITH Him, that's how much He loves us. He wants to reveal His beauty to us in the sweetest way. So the next time you don't understand, or you come across a hard concept, take it as a compliment, that Jesus wants to walk you through it, and show you His love within it.