Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Speak Life

If you were to talk to me about an hour ago, you would have probably heard an ear full of everything that was going wrong with my day. I'll spare you the details because they are irrelevant but
as my head was spinning of all the reason today just really sucked I quickly became convicted of a simple truth that I think we all so easily fall into...

First, too often I let my circumstances change my outlook on my day
and secondly, I am too quick to share my bad days and too slow to share my good

I think if you are honest with yourself you can admit that you fall into those things, or similar ones.

Here's a test just incase you aren't sure:
When someone asks you how your day was, what is your immediate response?
Mine usually sounds something like this.... "there was traffic after class, my professor let us out late, I failed my quiz, it was so hot outside, I'm so stressed out"

Seriously the list could go on.
We have to think, How do those responses shed any glory on God?

I'm not trying to be harsh, and i'm not saying that you can't talk about your days if they are rough, what I am saying is that if our minds are so entangled in what is going WRONG in our day, we are having a selfish perspective and we aren't leaving God any room to show us the GOOD in our day.

There is a difference in talking about your day, in hopes that those listening can pray over you or give you advice and then just straight up complaining. And that Is what I want us all to see.

When we complain about our day we are being selfish.
Yup, I said it and I'm not going to sugar coat it. We have GOT to remember that this life is not about us, it's about HIM and if this life isn't about us then each day isn't either.

Ask yourself, what are you really complaining about? And more importantly what is it doing?
You may be thinking this is extreme, what's that bad about a little complaining?
But when we complain, we are letting our minds continue down a path of negativity

"Set your minds on things above, not on things that are on earth." Colossians 3:2

When we complain we are literally doing the opposite of this.

What I mean by all of this, and the point I want to make is this,

Jesus was not crucified on the cross for us to bicker about every little thing that goes wrong in this world. Jesus died so that we could live a life of JOY, a life that points other people to HIM, that is literally the only reason you are still on this earth.

What a difference it would be if we spoke of our good instead of our bad, if we didn't let our circumstances run our day, if we clung so tightly to the cross that we could remember every single day on this earth is a gift, and every encounter we have with another person matters.

Don't miss out on a chance to share God's love because you are too consumed in your problems.

I'll leave you with this:
If any person had the right to complain it would have been Paul.
Instead of complaining what did he say?

"Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content. I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound." Philippians 4:11

I am not perfect, and that is my heart behind writing this. Because of my imperfections I am going to fail at this, I am asking us all to take action in keeping each other accountable and remember that our actions and words matter.

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