The phrase “good things come to those who wait” is a phrase we hear all too
often. And if I'm being honest it's a phrase I've grown to dislike.
It makes me feel like we are giving a mask to discontentment, and making it okay.
What are we waiting on?
We say it to people that are going through a hard time so that they have
something to look forward to because “the good is coming”. In a way it’s like we
are saying to them “it’s okay sulk in your sorrows now because good is coming to
What does that say about the blessings that The Lord IS blessing them with?
What we seem to leave out is that “the good” they are searching for to
satisfy them, will eventually cause the same heartache again. Because, what
exactly is “the good”?
The right job? The right guy? The right friends?
All of these things will still leave us longing for more
Instead of “waiting” for good things to come we need to realize that we already have the
one and only good thing we need. When we see that Jesus is the good, then we
don’t have to wait anymore. We will see that He is enough.
The problem with “waiting for the good” is that we
build it up in our minds, and we unleash the desires of our hearts to it. We
then begin to think that our life will soon be perfect once the good arrives,
but it never truly will.
God designed us to have a longing in our hearts, but his intention for that was not for us to long for the earthy
things. He gave us that desire so that we could fall in love with Him.
So instead of feeling as if you are “waiting for the good” I encourage you to look
at the apostle Paul, who found what it truly means to be joyful, and content in
any circumstance. He did not do this by “waiting for the good to come” but
understanding that he already had it.
“For I have learned in whatever situation
I am to be content. I know how to be brought low and I know how to abound. In
any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and
hunger, abundance and
need. I can do all things through [in] Him who strengthens me.”
Stop waiting, and surrender to the good that is Jesus Christ.
His blessings are new each day and He is the well that will never run dry.
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