Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Instagram isn't real

Can we just get something out of the way? Something that I feel really needs to be said, something that I myself, have to constantly tell it goes..ya ready?

Instagram isn't real.  I know know.... whatttt?????

All jokes aside, I'm going to get real for a second...this little app that I use on a daily basis is the tool that satan uses to distract me from the {MANY} blessings I have in my life.

Here me out: this isn't a "everyone should delete instagram, it's so bad for you" rant
This is a "please see that everyone is broken and no one's life is perfect" rant
(I prefer to not call it a rant but ya know if you must)

Here is what I want my point to be:
sweet daughter of the King, please understand that her life is not perfect. I can promise you what you see on your phone is not what she sees through her eyes.

So, she ordered her Aggie ring AND got engaged...all in the same semester, and had about 300+ likes on her family ski trip, and of course here is an artsy pic with her bible and coffee so her relationship with Jesus must be perfect and basically she's perfect....

**now you're rolling your eyes, closing the app (for 2 minutes) and you're over analyzing your life, wondering why it's not hers**

Can I tell you what you aren't doing while you are (probably just creeping on this girl you don't even know) you aren't seeing that she is a sister. That she faces the same struggles that you do on a daily basis, you don't see that satan is also attacking her. Instead, you are choosing to allow the enemy to form a wall between the family.

As sons and daughters, brothers and daughters, we are called to bring people into the family. Into the family that sees them as redeemed, loved, cherished, and saved.

We are not called to sit and waste our lives comparing ourselves to them, wishing we had their lives. Do we not see what that does to our Father?

We are saying that we don't care about the story he has for us, we would rather have hers. We don't care about the work he has for us, we would rather do hers. We don't care about the gifts for the kingdom he has for us, we would rather use hers.

Jesus knit YOU together in YOUR mothers womb for good works he prepared in advance for YOU.

So, what do you do? Do you delete instagram?
Do what you feel called but I will say this, instagram isn't the problem, it's just a tool the devil has at his fingertips to easily access our deepest insecurities.

I don't have a quick fix formula, what I do have is just my own testimony.
Pray for that girl.
Pray for the girl that you just stalked for 45 minutes
Pray for her heart, for her struggles, for her walk with Lord.

While you're at it, don't forget to pray for yourself, pray that the Lord can give you a new perspective on His plans for you. Most importantly I hope you pray that Jesus can change your heart. That we can all understand that instagram isn't real, that life is hard and we are all broken.
 "But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses made us alive TOGETHER with Christ." (Ephesians 2:4)

Sweet sister, don't forget, we are in this together.

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