Thursday, September 10, 2015

Staying certain in the uncertainty

Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.



  1. not changing or becoming weaker; steady or constant:
I've always heard that as you get older, time just seems to move faster. I have never really given it much thought, until now. I am entering my senior year of college, and as I type that I still can't really grasp that. I look at the incoming freshman, excited, nervous, anxious about what these next few years hold for them. In a lot of ways, I can relate a lot to them. Those are exactly my emotions as I look into my next few years ahead. While sometimes I wish I was still that scared freshman trying to navigate the bus routes and figuring out what it meant to make my own meals, I know that that's no longer my stage of life, instead I get to be the scared senior, trying to figure out what it means to do this whole "adult" "real world" thing that everyone talks about.  
Everyday I am answering the question "What are you doing when you graduate?"
This is a question I have grown to dread because my only response is "I don't know"
That interaction has caused a lot of doubt, and nervousness about the journey ahead. If I'm being completely honest, it's caused a lot of dis-trust with The Lord. It's like I have completely erased his faithfulness over my life- and all I can see now is uncertainty.
 I am too consumed on making the right choice, to see that I already made the right choice when I gave my life and my decisions over to Him.
The consistency and faithfulness of Jesus doesn't change. Our stages in life are meaningless to Him and the overall plan of His kingdom work.
[Whether we get that job, or decide to take the other one, or maybe we decide to go a completely different route, maybe you end up doing something completely irrelevant to your major.]
Here's the key question: Is it brining glory to The Lord?

That is all the Lord wants from you. He wants you to do HIS work, wherever you go. He isn't going to abandon you in the process of choosing that job, but what we have to realize is not all choices come with flashing signs that say "CHOOSE THIS ONE" or "GO THIS DIRECTION"

Jesus isn't a cheap genie that is trying to give you three wishes to make all your dreams come true and all your choices easy. He is a faithful Father that wants His children to serve Him, in all aspects of their life, wherever they are, in whatever they are doing.

Although these lies sneak in, I am able to speak truth over them and remember that my hope is in an unswerving Father who loves me and who has always been more faithful than I can comprehend. I know that whatever this next stage brings, He will be in it, leading and guiding me in all my steps.

This is a growing process that I am learning to find Joy in. I am getting to trust in The Lord in ways that I never have before and because of that, I thank Him. I am not going to look at it as a scary or uncertain stage of my life, but as a new adventure and new ways to learn and serve my Jesus.

I am choosing to celebrate this uncertainty because I am certain of His faithfulness.