Saturday, February 7, 2015

Let it be Jesus

1.not prevent or forbid, allow
synonyms: permit to, give permission to


1. exist
2. occur; take place
synonyms: occur, happen, come out, arise

"let it be Jesus" is the title and main verse of a song that was sung at passion, it's also the same line that has been stuck in my head for the past few days.

When I think about this song it reminds me that as we go through storms, the first name we should call upon is our Jesus, but as the verse continues to play in my head, it began to hit a different place in my heart that I just couldn't understand. I felt like Jesus was trying to tell me something, so I decided to really think about what it meant to "let it be Jesus"

Here's the thing- we let words become to mundane to us. We hear words like "let" and "be" and we really don't think much of it, we know what these words mean so why do I need to look any deeper?

One of my favorite things is to take words like "let" and "be" and see what there given definition is, not the definition we think it to have in our heads. Usually, by doing this simple act we are able to transform a sentence and unpack all new power to it.

When I look at the definition of these simple words it makes me realize that i'm not supposed to just "let it be Jesus" i'm supposed to "give permission for him to arise"

Here's what I mean by that:
Jesus can't work through us until we surrender to him.
The good He wants for us is ultimately tied to our obedience to letting him take root in our lives. Jesus desires for us to be set free, but we have to accept that freedom by dying to ourselves.

My biggest issue is that my heart is trying to "let it be Jesus" but my actions aren't truly giving him permission. When I don't give him the permission to work through me, then it's me trying to use my own strength which leads me nowhere. All i'm getting from the situation is frustration. Frustration in myself and ultimately frustration with The Lord.

"Why is this not working out??"

As I am looking back at these different situations I am clearly seeing that I was falling into the lie that I am afraid a lot of us do.

I try to half-heartadly surrender because that's what makes me the most comfortable.
Here is where that backfires: Where we don't give full permission to Jesus, He can't arise within us.

He wants to use you for His glory, but until we begin to turn the light on Him and off of us, we will continue to fall into the trap of "letting it be us" while we are pretending it's Jesus. 

Jesus is teaching me that there is no such thing as a half-hearted surrender. He didn't humble himself and die on the cross so that we could choose both of us. He sacrificed himself for the sake of all, so that all may have the chance to humble themselves and follow him.

My charge seems simple, but it takes sacrifice.
Let Jesus not just IN your life but let him BE your life.

You won't regret what arises with the permission from surrender.