Friday, March 28, 2014

A life of lingering

I want you to examine your life. REALLY look into it.
Think about how you spend your time, what you think about, the decisions you make, ect.

Now, ask yourself, Is Jesus the center or is He an add on? 

My heart behind this post is to share with y'all that I struggle with treating Him as an add on, like i've said before, A lot of times I don't even want to let Jesus in the car much less be the driver. 
Knowing this about myself I really have two options, to be okay with it or change it.

I think a lot of my "treating Jesus as an add on" comes from me treating Him as a feeling. When I "feel" Him, it's easy to acknowledge Him and let Him be the driver but on the flip side, when the feelings don't come I begin to get in a rut. From that rut starts a snowball of effects, like me trying to drive my car on my own, and only thinking of Jesus as someone who's their sometimes.

I can not stress this enough, so please if this is all you get from my post listen up:

He's not some "camp high" God that is going to make you feel butterflies every day of your life.

I'm timid to get honest, but here it goes,

Receiving salvation takes no work on your part. Jesus did ALL the work 2000 years ago on a cross, now it's a free gift for anyone to take it. 
BUT A relationship with Jesus takes work. (notice how I didn't say workS)
Just like an earthly relationship, you'll have your high and your low points, sometimes you'll feel so on fire for God and other days you just can't even open your bible. Why? Because we are human.
I don't like that excuse though.

So, we are human, yes. But don't use that as an excuse to stay distant from God.
We are as close to Him as we choose to be. 

In this life we have choices, He has given us free will, So choose to make Him the center.
It's going to be work, you aren't always going to "feel" like it, but let me encourage you with how I find it easy to seek God, and that's to stay near to Him...

There's a word that has been mentioned at different events that has stuck in my head and I believe it's how we escape from keeping Jesus as an add on, how we get out of our ruts, and how we get fullness of life.


I was really curious as to why Jesus was laying this word on my heart so I decided to find out why. 


1. to stay in a place longer than is usual or expected, reluctant to leave
2. To remain alive, although gradually dying
3. to dwell in contemplation, though or enjoyment

Do we linger in His presence?
Lingering for Jesus is the opposite of treating Him as an add-on, it's clinging to him,"reluctant to leave"

I found it interesting that the 2nd definition is "To remain alive" because that's what Jesus does for us, He gives us life.

We are all going to die, if you didn't agree with anything else on this post you have to agree with that. So while you are here on earth let Him give you life, He is the only one that can.
 My challenge for you is to linger in the presence of God,  ENJOY His goodness, find LIFE in Him,
Don't treat Him as an add-on, He doesn't belong there.